
An interface for managing the selection of resources.

Hooks provide access to drops and related data from inside React components. Unlike data accessed using static methods, hooks will cause the component to rerender when the data changes.

Returns the current selection as an array of SelectionItems. Optionally, one or more resource types can be passed in to retrieve only selection items matching the resource types.

useSelection(resourceType?: string | string[]): SelectionItem[]
resourceTypestring | string[]The resource type(s) of the selection items to retrieve.

Returns a boolean indicating whether the current selection contains resources of the given type(s).

useSelectionContains(resourceType?: string | string[], exclusive?: boolean): boolean
resourceType*string | string[]The resource type(s) of the selection items to check for.
exclusiveboolean When true, the hook will only return true if the selection contains nothing but items of the given type(s).

Returns a boolean indicating whether a drag action is in progress. Optionally, one or more resource types can be passed in to check if the items being dragged are of the given type(s).

useIsDragging(resourceType?: string | string[], exclusive?: boolean): boolean
resourceType*string | string[]The resource type(s) of the selection items to check for.
exclusiveboolean When true, the hook will only return true if the selection contains nothing but items of the given type(s).

Returns utility functions for adding selection functionality to resource UI components.

useSelectable(item: SelectionItem): SelectionUtils
item*SelectionItem The selection item. See the SelectionItem interface for more details.


selectedbooleanA boolean representing whether or not the item is currently selected.
onClickfunction Callback to be applied to the item component as its onClick prop. Handles clicking and Shift clicking behaviour on the item.
addToSelectionfunctionAdds the item to the current selection.
removeFromSelectionfunctionRemoves the item from the current selection.
selectfunctionExclusively selects the item, clearing the current selection.

Returns utility functions for adding drag and drop functionality to resource UI components.

useDraggable(item: SelectionItem): DragUtils
item*SelectionItem The draggable item. See the SelectionItem interface for more details.


onDragStartfunction Callback to be applied to the item component as its onDragStart prop. Handles selecting the item, setting the drag event data as well as the dragging state.
onDragEndfunction Callback to be applied to the item component as its onDragEnd prop. Handles reseting the dragging state.

Returns the current selection as a SelectionItem array. Optionally, one or more resource types can be passed in to retrieve only selection items matching the resource types.

Selection.get(resourceType?: string | string[]): SelectionItem[]
resourceTypestring | string[]The resource type(s) of the selection items to retrieve.

Returns the IDs of items in the current selection as a array. Optionally, one or more resource types can be passed in to retrieve only IDs of selection items matching the resource types.

Selection.getIds(resourceType?: string | string[]): string[]
resourceTypestring | string[]The resource type(s) of the selection items for which to retrieve the IDs.

Returns an array of selection items from a DataInsert. Optionally, one or more resource types can be passed in to retrieve only selection items matching the resource types.

dataInsert: DataInsert,
resourceType?: string | string[]
): SelectionItem[]
dataInsert*DataInsertThe data insert from which to retrieve selection items.
resourceTypestring | string[]The resource type(s) of the selection items to retrieve.

Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the given item is currently selected.

Selection.isSelected(item: SelectionItem): boolean
itemSelectionItemThe item for which to check the selection state.

Returns a boolean indicating whether or not an array of selection items contains items of the given resoure type(s).

selectionItems: SelectionItem[],
resource: string | string[],
exclusive?: boolean
): boolean
selectionItems*SelectionItem[]The array of selection items in which to check.
resourceType*string | string[]The resource type(s) of the selection items to check for.
exclusiveboolean When true, the method will only return true if the selection contains nothing but items of the given type(s).

Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the current selection is empty.

Selection.isEmpty(): boolean

Filters the given selection items by one or more resource types.

Selection.filter(items: SelectionItem[], resourceType?: string | string[]): SelectionItem[]
itemsSelectionItem[]The selection items to filter.
resourceTypestring | string[]The resource type(s) of the selection items to return.

Generates a SelectionItem given a resource document or resource reference and an optional parent resource document or resource reference.

resource: ResourceDocument | ResourceReference,
parent?: ResourceDocument | ResourceDocument
): SelectionItem
resource| ResourceDocument
| ResourceReference
The resource document for which to generate a selection item.
parent| ResourceDocument
| ResourceReference
The parent resource document inside which the selection item located.

Adds the provided items to the current selection. Dispatches a selection:items:add event.

Selection.add(core: Core, items: SelectionItem[]): void
core*CoreA MindDrop core instance.
items*SelectionItem[] The items to add to the current selection. See theSelectionItem interface for more details.

Removes the provided items from the current selection. Dispatches a selection:items:remove event.

Selection.unselect(core: Core, items: SelectionItem[]): void
core*CoreA MindDrop core instance.
dropIds*string[] The items to remove from the current selection. See theSelectionItem interface for more details.

Exclusively selects the provided items, clearing the current selection. Dispatches as a selection:items:add event as well as a selection:items:remove event if there were any selected items when the method was called. Core, items: SelectionItem[]): void
core*CoreA MindDrop core instance.
items*SelectionItem[] The items to select. See the SelectionItem interface for more details.

Clears the current selection and dragging state. Dispatches a selection:items:remove event.

Selection.clear(core: Core): void
core*CoreA MindDrop core instance.

Toggles the dragging state to true and sets the current selection as the drag event's data transfer data. The data consists of stringified arrays of selection items grouped by resource, with each resource being set as minddrop-selection/[resource]. Dispatches a selection:drag:start event.

core: Core,
event: DragEvent | React.DragEvent,
action?: DataInsertAction,
): void
core*CoreA MindDrop core instance.
eventDragEvent | React.DragEventThe drag start event.
actionDataInsertAction The data transfer action to assign to the event. See the DataInsert interface for more details.

Toggles the dragging state to false. Dispatches a selection:drag:end event.

core: Core,
event: DragEvent | React.DragEvent,
): void
core*CoreA MindDrop core instance.
eventDragEvent | React.DragEventThe drag end event.

Sets the current selection as a clipboard event's data. The data consists of stringified arrays of selection items grouped by resource, with each resource being set as minddrop-selection/[resource]. Dispatches a selection:clipboard:copy event.

Selection.copy(event: ClipboardEvent | React.ClipboardEvent): void
event| ClipboardEvent
| React.ClipboardEvent
The clipboard event.

Sets the current selection as a clipboard event's data. The data consists of stringified arrays of selection items grouped by resource, with each resource being set as minddrop-selection/[resource]. Dispatches a selection:clipboard:cut event.

Selection.cut(event: ClipboardEvent | React.ClipboardEvent): void
event| ClipboardEvent
| React.ClipboardEvent
The clipboard event.

Selection events are prefixed with the namespace selection. See below the table for more details on the data passed by selection related events.

selection:items:addSelectionItem[]Dispatched when items are added to the selection.
selection:items:removeSelectionItem[]Dispatched when items are removed from the selection.
selection:drag:startSelectionDragEventDataDispatched when selected items are dragged.
selection:drag:endSelectionDragEventDataDispatched when a drag event ends.
selection:clipboard:copySelectionClipboardEventDataDispatched when a drag event ends.

Selection events are dispatched with one of the following types of data.


See the SelectionItem interface.


event*DragEvent | React.DragEventThe actual drag event from the UI component which triggered the call.
selection*SelectionItem[]The selection items being dragged.


event*| ClipboardEvent
| React.ClipboardEvent
The actual clipboard event from the UI component which triggered the call.
selection*SelectionItem[]The selection items being copied/cut.